Sunday, July 28, 2013


This past April, Honey Ervin was sighted in the gold coast area of Chicago with a mystery man that chatted away on the phone while she browsed in the Adidas store on N Rush ave....who's the mystery man? We saw Leah Desimone of Mob Wives Chicago (longtime friend of Honey) hours later at Gibson and asked about Honey and the mystery guy. Leah confirmed he is actually a promoter out of NY. I'm wondering if he's promoting Honey's story..hmmm


  1. Leah confirmed the uncle had the pics pulled

  2. Saw the pics on underworld cute couple

  3. He stand to make millions of her story if she is associated with the underworld or know of some underworld heavy weights, he r bro story alone is some ole new jack city shit

  4. if she hasnt talk all this time she aint talking #nosnitching

  5. She looks very young, how old is she? The stories is about the 80s

  6. Her uncle must have some juice if he had that segment of her pulled #ijs

    1. I had to search but I found the pics on the godfather logs

    2. Yeah in the photos she is always sparkling, I found the episode, but it cuts off. People hating on the girl already. She is def representing that title. She is def rocking diamonds in every photo. That was her lifestyle, now it looks like she has mature in the photo with that promoter guy. I think the shit is dope, most girls in the game are bagged, she's a success story. Shit I wanna hear what she gotta say and that's what's up!

  7. ole shit if she is friends with leah she gotta be gangsta!

  8. Ive seen that promoter guy before.

  9. She's should stay quiet, if she do a tell all she's gonna be plastered on tmz, every network channel, wendyfuckingwilliams. I never heard of her until they aired that underworld show.

  10. Trina jacked her name!!!!!! Honey get your

  11. Cute couple: they look like regular people, somebody got bread the gold coast illinois is expensive$$$$

  12. Nice looking couple. Lets see more couples like this exposed, ijs

  13. Look like regular people living regular lives, they exude power remind me of bradgelina lol. What do he promote?

  14. Thats Big Sonny out of Queens NY repping

    1. Thats breezy unc he gettin like that

  15. yeah their presence is strong in these photos love seeing black couple put together and not on some hood shit. She aint got no color hair and his pants aint sagging. They look establish.

  16. I heard of the godfather and uncle and the brother was a heavy weight, but they never mention the sister she was always spoken about in a hush tone, I guess they wanted it that way. I did hear about the diamond story, she supposely outshined her godfathers wife..her brother funeral was aired, she sparkled like a fucking christmas tree she was draped her and the lil sis they had like 80 niggas guarding them it was insane

    1. When the sisters would frequent clubs in the A and out west it would be like 20 dudes with them and they would stand posted while they partied in VIP. That sister has dated plenty of athletes and while honey was the serious one. She was always observing her surroundings while the sister partied.I know of them though my guy and we recently saw honey at the grill and I guess we were staring, she just raised her glass and nodded. She is very incognito, I would love to hear her story I hear the rumors but you never know people will exaggerate the truth. All I know she was always about getting those dollas, you can't hate on that, bitched we're always hating on her cus they wanted to be her!

    2. rumored she had over half mil in jewelry #bossshit

    3. Yeah in the segments she had on alot of diamonds and the diamond encrusted vault she had her brother coffin in was insane, yeah her peoples getting or was getting made dollas.

  17. I don't know her but I grew up with Leah and she's been at a few of Leahs parties, she's really low key. A super cool chic. I like her.

    1. She looks low key, she doesnt look flashy but her getup is all designer yeah they probably on some lowkey getin money

    2. You must be broke lmao

  18. Nice looking couple

  19. He probably got her on lock!

  20. Did she have her photos pulled legally and if he is penning her story will it be a book or movie? We need another Belly type movie that shit will be all the way live!

  21. Saw pics on underworld: if they had pics pulled they most want their privacy. A boss chic with a boss man is what's up/// they the shit & they know that shit!

  22. what happen to the pictures?

  23. I went on the godfather logs but you gotta have account :(

  24. I wonder if she smirks everytime she hear trina say shes the diamond princess.haahahahaha

    1. Ikr all the photos she was in she was sparkling I see how she got her name>

  25. Leah said good things about her and said she doesn't like being in the spot light. Leah said it best "you don't get to pick your family, but you can pick who you decide to become" tell em Leah!

  26. She def got give the gal her props&&&& she made it out and doing her thang!

  27. Most peeps don't make it out to live.. She made it out so for her to be breathing is a blessing. She has a story and she seem to be the last man standing. Good for her!

  28. Real players stay low key
