Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rumors have been circulating for years regarding a murder contract taken out on P. Diddy several years ago. People have always wondered, what was the basis for this contract?
Allegedly, the stunning girlfriend of a powerful Detroit kingpin (who was incarcerated at the time) took a liking to Diddy at the dismay of her boyfriend. This woman was considered the most beautiful black woman in Detroit. It wasn't uncommon for her to wear $50,000 worth of clothes and bling on a daily basis. She also fancied expensive cars and was often seen rolling in a Ferrari or Rolls Royce.

The boyfriend allegedly hired the Best Friends organization to execute the contract on Diddy. Best Friends was a black mafia hit squad and drug cartel run by Terrence Boogaloo Brown and Rockin Reg Brown (brothers). Maserati Rick Carter (above) and Demetrius Holloway were also affiliated with this organization.
The murders tied to Best Friends exceeds over 100 known hits. “The Best Friends were also responsible for the most contract murders in the city of Detroit since Al ‘Scarface’ Capone’s Detroit-based hit squad the Purple Gang."
The contract on Diddy was aborted at the last minute for unknown reasons. The rumored mill allegedly names Honey as that girl.  Sources say Diddy was fascinated with the diamond princess, spending an absurd amount of money and lavishing Honey with gifts, frequently visiting Detroit. Sources say Diddy last Superbowl Party XL in Detroit places Diddy and Honey together. Honey has had some high profile men seek her affection, but her infamous brother and uncle has made that almost impossible. 

Key Club

On the anniversary of Maserati Rick 54th birthday, every key player in the underworld turned out for the annual celebration. Honey was missing from the festivities, sources say she hasn't been present for the past few years.  
Maserati Rick (background) with Tommy "The Hitman" Hearns
(far left), Detroit Mayor Coleman Young and Hilmer Kenty in 1980

When asking about Honey, the players had mad love for her and when speaking to a comrade formally known as Fats, he spoke of her with admiration and called her "babygirl". Letting it be known not all the around the way girls turn out lost and how she was a good girl, stating "Honey has done well for herself and we that know her are proud".

I interviewed the owner of the Key Club which asked to not have his name mentioned, stated he can only open his doors that one day and he has made enough money to live off for a few years. I wasn't allowed in the celebration but it was enough money parked outside as much as I'm sure was being spent inside.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


This past April, Honey Ervin was sighted in the gold coast area of Chicago with a mystery man that chatted away on the phone while she browsed in the Adidas store on N Rush ave....who's the mystery man? We saw Leah Desimone of Mob Wives Chicago (longtime friend of Honey) hours later at Gibson and asked about Honey and the mystery guy. Leah confirmed he is actually a promoter out of NY. I'm wondering if he's promoting Honey's story..hmmm

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pedro ED Ervin

Word underground that Pedro ED Ervin the ghost of the underworld. The flamboyant and uttering attractive, which all thought would be his demise. The DEA's Special  Operations Division mentioned him as "the ghost". Escaping indictments, drug seizures and informant testimonies who seem to gain instant amnesia upon taking the stand, ED was known in the underworld as a sharp business man. Sources say he set his sister Honey up with a lavish truss upon his death. Honey is rumored to have been the brains in his success in the underworld, which learning from the best in the game, her godfather Rick Carter and Uncle Big Meech. Witnesses say the female that was spotted blazing alongside of ED when he went out in a blaze of glory was non other than his sister Honey. Honey has always been heavily guarded and protected, so we all are curious if Honey will ever pen her story

Maserati Rick Carter

Richard Carter

Founder Best Friends

Maserati Rick

The Eastside King of crack

 During the height of Detroit's crack craze, Maserati Rick Carter reigned as the most recognized of all of the flashy, high rolling dealers in the motor city. None could match Rick's flair for the dramatic an attribute he would display even in death. Rick Carter first came to the attention of local authorities when at the age of 18 he drew a conviction for receiving stolen property. It would be five years before Carter became a player in the cities drug trade. 

  Orignally a small timer with big dreams Carter's ascent began with the fall of Sylvester "Seal" Murray in 1982. Murray had been the prime source of cocaine, heroin and maurijauna for scores of inner city dealers for more than a decade. Murray had been the chief supplier for Detroit's first big time crack gang Y.B.I. The conviction of Murray along with the top leaders of Y.B.I provided an oppurtunity for ambitious young men such as Carter and his best friend Demetrius Holloway to move into position as the new generation of drug pushers.

The emergence of Best Friends

 After 3 short years in the crack trade Maserati Rick controlled one of the most prominent networks operating on the east side. Carter and Holloway worked the eastside peacefully along with other organizations run by Johnny Curry "whose wife Cathy was the niece of Detroit's mayor Coleman Young," the remnants of the crippled Y.B.I., gang and the Chambers brothers. Following the arrest and conviction of the Curry brothers and 6 of their top lieutenants in 1987, Rick and his partner Holloway began making overtures to secure the east side as their personal kingdom. One of the first steps in consolidating their power was to join forces with teenage drug supplier "White Boy" Rick Wershe while financing the organization of "Rockin'" Reggie Browns murder for hire troop under the umbrella of best friends. 

  With Brown providing much needed protection and muscle and Wershe providing a local source of product, Carter began expanding his operation by providing an alternative to his crack with heroin. Federal agents took note of Carter's frequent trips to Florida and Los Angeles in an attempt they claim to secure a steady supply source.

The Good Life

 Carter's operation took off allowing him to live and spend lavishly. Carter listed his home address as a bungalow on Birwood Avenue in northwest Detroit but he was known to have kept residence in at least two other locations in the last four years of his life. These two locations were more in line with the image Carter was building for himself as the motor city king of crack. The first was a fortified flat near Alter road and E. Jefferson while the other a plush riverfront condo, provided Carter with an occassional getaway. To mask the proceeds of his drug operation, Carter invested millions in local businesses many of which were eastside carwashes or hair salons which served as drop off or pickup points for his runners. 

  Ivestigator's listed Carter as a kilo man in it's reports on Detroit's many traffickers meaning he dealt in 2.2 lb quantities of cocaine and heroin. This method of dealing signified his wealth and importance demonstrated by the fact that only the important traffickers and wealthy could afford to inventory such quantities without extreme financial difficulty.

Trouble with Big Ed

 During his climb to prominence, Carter and his gang as one law enforcement official put it, " made enough enemies to fill Tiger Stadium," but none seemed more determined to destroy Carter than Edward Hanserd, a man who had once bought his marijuana from Maserati Rick. Following a heated argument over a debt owed to Carter in Hanserd's Unisex Hair Salon during the summer of 1987, the two became bitter enemies. Carter and Hanserd publicly squared off on numerous occassions usually resulting in an exchange of automatic gunfire between the combatants. The intial war of words drew the attention of newsmen who wrote often of the exploits of both men whose penchant for violence coupled with a preference for automatic weaponry posed a grave danger to the general public. 

  As Hanserd built and organization which began to cut into the profits of Carter and best friends the upstart was marked for termination a fact best demonstrated by an impromptu meeting which resulted in a wild shootout between the two dealers and a couple of their soldiers which left Hanserd with a nasty scar across his abdomen the result of a wound he received from a confrontation with Carter and his forces. Maserati Rick would try at least three times to kill the troublesome Hanserd without success. The failure of Carter to eliminate Hanserd would be a fatal mistake after yet another conflict on September 12, 1989 outside of one of Carter's busniesses left Rick hospitalized with bullets in his stomach and one of Hanserd's soldiers slightly wounded in the arm. Two days after the initial shooting the same man involved in the initial shooting entered room 307 at Mt. Carmel Mercey Hospital and fired at least one shot into the head and face of Maserati Rick. Carter was pronounced dead at 6:01 p.m. 

  The next day police announced their prime suspect was Ricky Parker an associate of Hanserds who was fast establishing himself as the single most dangerous man on the eastside of Detroit. Just hours after the death of Carter, it was learned that another man whom he had been having a bitter feud with intended to call Rick as a defense witness in a trial he claimed was the result of a Carter initiated frame up.

Going out in style

 Following his murder the legend of Maserati Rick Carter received it's finishing touches during a grand funeral in which he lay in a $16,000 silver coffin constructed to resemble a mercedes benz complete with spinning tires. Following the emotional services Maserati Rick Carter was layed to rest in Mt.Carmel cemetery the final resting place of thousands of underworld figures including the royalty of Detroit's powerful partnership. 

Richard Carter

The Original Big Meech

Demetrius Holloway

Detroit Drug Lord


 One of the founding members of the infamous Best Friends drug organization which ruled urban Detriot's multi-million dollar crack trade from the mid to late '80s. Holloway grew up with legendary Detroit figures such as the late Richard "Maserati Rick" Carter "also a founding member of Best Friends," and boxing legend Thomas "The Hitman" Hearns. After working briefly as a postal clerk, Holloway was convicted and sentenced to federal prison after being convicted of burglary in 1980. Holloway's initial prison stay was lengthened after picking up a second conviction for drug trafficking. 

  Upon his release in 1985, Demetrius managed the Chalk & Cue pool hall on West 7 mile Road for William Van Lewis. It was from Lewis that Holloway learned the ins and outs of quasi legitamacy and used the pool hall as a front for a burgeoning drug business. By 1986 Holloway and Carter were running a multi-million dollar drug operation which allowed Demetrius to open 3 sporting goods stores, in addition to purchasing several acres of land in Alabama while setting up Renters Paradise to oversee several Detroit Apartment buildings which allowed him to claim a legal $17,000 in monthly income. Holloway also claimed to be a professional gambler a habit or business which he claimed to the tune of $288,000 to $780,000 on federal tax returns filed in the late '80s. 

  Holloway was known to make frequent trips to Las Vegas and Atlantic City New Jersey where he once returned with winnings totalling $125,000 after a weekend jaunt. As the '90s came to a close the high profile living and constant battles with drug rivals and authorities led Holloway to stage his own disappearance from and east Detroit hamburger stand. At the time of his disappearance Holloway was fighting the seizure of two of his sporting goods stores, a Mercedes Benz and more than $90,000 in cash. Part of which was taken in 1986 when he was arrested for disorderly conduct. 

  At the time of his arrest, Holloway was carrying $35,000 in cash and lost another $92,000 when federal authorities arrested him outside of a known crack house. Further heat was brought down on Best Friends when customs officers began arresting women bound for Detroit from the Bahamas with kilo packages of cocaine. According to federal documents these women had been paid upwards of $2,000 dollars per trip. In court documents, Holloway admitted to being associated with or knowing members of other Detroit drug gangs including the Curry and Chambers brothers, White Boy Rick Wershe, Frank Usher, Seal Murray and of course Maserati Rick Carter. 

  Beyond these demaging admissions, Demetrius invoked his 5th amendment rights in anserwing questions about his finances and drug ties. Holloway was deal a stunning blow when his life long friend and partner Maserati Rick Carter was shot and killed as he recouperated from another shooting in September of 1988 in a Detroit hospital. Following Carter's death, the first person the Carter family contacted was Demetrius Holloway who soon thereafter arranged his own abduction. Absent for several months from the striff and conflict which had claimed his pal, Holloway travelled to Las Vegas where he married his girlfriend Wanda Jean Hardaway the sister of Charles "Chuckie" Hardaway, another reputed drug figure. 

  32 year old Demetrius Holloway was gunned down at 4 p.m Monday October 8,1990 in a shooting almost as brazen as the one that claimed Maserati Rick more than two years prior. Holloway was shot as he picked out a new pair of socks in the Broadway Department store. Demetrius who was felled by two shots to the back of the head, had a pistol in his possession as well as $17,000 in cash but did not have the chance to defend himself. Holloways murder was believed to have been ordered by Big Ed Hanserd another Eastside drug dealer who was known to have been a rival of Holloway and Carter. 1

The first to pen this story

Word underground Honey lives a quiet life, but her name still create buzz in the underworld. I would love to pen this story first.